The user’s personal data is used by Violi S.r.l., which is the data controller, in compliance with the personal data protection principles established by articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679.


The data controller is Violi S.r.l., in the person of its legal representative on a temporary basis, with registered office in Monte San Savino, Via XXV Aprile 86, Monte San Savino (AR), which communicates that, for the eventual establishment and subsequent management contractual relationships and data retention collected on the website owned by the same, is the owner of the data communicated by you and classified as personal data pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679.


With reference to the internet services offered by Violi S.r.l. as Data Controller, the same must process some personal data necessary for the provision of services.
Such data can be provided implicitly by the tools you use to access and use the services or can be provided explicitly by you.

The Violi S.r.l. company may process the following categories of personal data of users:

  • technical navigation data from the identification codes of the devices used by the user to use the site or services, to the browser characteristics and access times;
  • dcommon identification data provided by the user (e.g. name, surname, email, telephone number, etc.) for the use of products and services;


The data and cookies you receive will be processed by Violi S.r.l. exclusively with methods and procedures necessary to provide you with the requested services.

The data processing is aimed at the correct and complete execution of the functions of a purely commercial, technical and informative nature.

Personal data may be collected and processed by means of computer archives (including portable devices) and processed in ways strictly necessary to meet the aforementioned purposes.

Should the purposes of using your data change, the Data Controller is required to immediately notify such changes, specifying at the same time that a new consent from the interested party is required.

Data collection on the website takes place in compliance with current Community legislation, pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679.


Your personal data will not be disclosed, but may be communicated where necessary for the provision of the service to third parties (such as third party technical service providers, postal carriers, hosting providers, IT companies and other professionals) appointed, if necessary, as Data Processors. Processing by Violi S.r.l., for tasks of a technical or organizational nature instrumental to the provision of services.

Access to the data is also permitted to categories of persons appointed by Violi S.r.l. involved in the organization for data processing (administrative, commercial, marketing, customer service, system administrators).

The updated list of Managers can always be requested from the Data Controller.


Your personal data will be processed by Violi S.r.l., within the territory of the European Union.

If for technical and/or operational reasons it is necessary to use subjects located outside the European Union, or if it is necessary to transfer some of the data collected to technical systems and services managed in the cloud and located outside the of the European Union, the treatment will be regulated in accordance with the rules of Regulation 2016/679 articles 44-50 * and authorized on the basis of specific decisions of the European Union. All necessary precautions will therefore be taken in order to guarantee the most complete protection of personal data by basing this transfer: a) on a general principle of lawfulness of the transfer, pursuant to art. 44; b) on adequacy decisions of recipient third countries expressed by the European Commission; c) on adequate guarantees expressed by the recipient third party pursuant to art. 46 of the Regulation; d) on the adoption of binding corporate rules, the so-called Corporate binding rules, pursuant to art. 47.


Violi S.r.l., in accordance with Art. 5.1 letter e) of Regulation 2016/679 will process the data you provide for the entire duration of the execution of the requested services and will keep them for the following 12 months for the purpose of completing the administrative activities, as well as for the time necessary to fulfill the obligations of law.


The company Violi S.r.l. guarantees that users of the website can exercise the rights provided for by art. at any time. 12 of the GDPR. In particular, you have the right:

  • to know if the Data Controller holds and/or processes personal data relating to you and to access it in full, also obtaining a copy (art. 15 Right to access);
    the rectification of inaccurate personal data or the completion of incomplete personal data (Art. 16 Right to rectification);
  • to the cancellation of personal data held by the Data Controller if one of the reasons provided for by EU Regulation 2016/679 exists (Article 17 Right to Cancellation);
    to ask the Data Controller to limit the processing only to some personal data, if one of the reasons provided for by the Regulation exists (Article 18 Right to limitation of processing);
  • to request and receive all your personal data processed by the owner, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device or request transmission to another owner without impediments (Article 20 Right to Portability);
  • to object in whole or in part to the processing of data for the purpose of sending advertising material and market research (so-called Consent) (art. 21 Right to object) *

The exercise of these rights can be exercised by communicating to the Data Controller whose contact details are indicated in the appropriate section of this information.

Furthermore, you always have the right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority, which can be contacted at or via the website


When communicating personal data on the website managed by Violi S.r.l., the user must compulsorily guarantee that they are at least 18 years of age. The company Violi S.r.l. does not intend to collect any personal data of individuals under the eighteen years. Where this proves necessary, we will specifically instruct children not to communicate their data via our sites and / or we will take reasonable steps to ensure parent / guardian control over such communication.

Parents/guardians should be aware that our privacy notice and policy will govern the use of personal data, but information voluntarily given by minors – or others – in comments or similar may be used by third parties to generate unsolicited correspondence.

We therefore invite all parents/guardians to educate their children in the safe and responsible use of their personal data while surfing the Internet, carrying out any appropriate checks on the case to the extent and in the manner they deem appropriate.


Cookies are information entered on the user’s browser when you visit a website or use a social network with your PC, smartphone or tablet. Each cookie contains various data such as, for example, the name of the server it comes from, a numeric identifier, etc. Cookies can remain in the system for the duration of a session (that is, until the browser used for the browsing the web) or for long periods and may contain a unique identification code.

Technical cookies: Some cookies are used to perform computer authentication, session monitoring and storage of specific information on users who access a web page. These so-called technical cookies are often useful, because they can make browsing and using the web faster and faster, for example because they intervene to facilitate certain procedures when you shop online, when you authenticate to areas with restricted access or when a website automatically recognizes the language you usually use. A particular type of cookie, called analytics, is then used by website managers to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site, and therefore develop general statistics on the service and its use.
Profiling cookies: Other cookies can instead be used to monitor and profile users while browsing, study their movements and web consultation or consumption habits, also for the purpose of sending advertisements for targeted and personalized services (so-called Behavioral Advertising) . In this case we are talking about profiling cookies. It may happen that a web page contains cookies from other sites and contained in various elements hosted on the page itself, such as advertising banners, images, videos, etc. These are the so-called third-party cookies, which are usually used for of profiling. Given the particular invasiveness that profiling cookies (especially those from third parties) can have in the private sphere of users, European and Italian legislation requires the user to be adequately informed about their use and express their valid consent to the placement of cookies on your terminal Cookies used.

The site,, uses cookies to make the site’s services simpler and more efficient for the user who views the web pages. The same site does not currently carry out any profiling regarding user preferences, but reserves the right, should it start such an activity, to ask, pursuant to art. 22 EU Regulation 2016/679, the explicit consent to the users of this page.

It is possible to refuse the provision of navigation data by selecting the appropriate setting on the browser. In this regard, please refer to the information published on the Google website and to the browser add-on for deactivating Google Analytics com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en ). However, this choice could prevent you from using all the site’s features. On the contrary, by accepting the use of cookies as described above and continuing to browse, the user gives free and unconditional consent to the processing of personal data by the Data Controller and Google Inc. in the manner and for the purposes indicated above. The responsibility for the management of these cookies lies with the manager of the advertising network whose information can usually be consulted on its institutional website.


This type of service allows you to view content hosted on external platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, directly from the pages of this Application and to interact with them. If a service of this type is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the service, it may collect traffic data relating to the pages in which it is installed.


This type of service has the function of guaranteeing the operational continuity of the site, its updating and regular maintenance. To carry out these operations, third-party companies, specifically appointed by the Data Controller, will have access to the data contained on the site and may need to perform a backup of the same.

Personal Data collected: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service.

Violi Macchine S.r.l.

Address: Via XXV Aprile 86
Locality: Monte San Savino (Arezzo) – Italy
Phone: +39 0575 810487
VAT: IT02200090518

For over 30 years Violi is one of the leading factories in designing and manufacturing of jewellery making, industrial and precious metals recovery machineries.
The experience in these fields allows Violi to get the trust of national and international industries.


Trust Violi Macchine! The ability of innovate without losing sight of traditional techologies is the key of yours and our success!

Violi Macchine S.r.l.
Via XXV Aprile, 86
Monte San Savino (AR) ITALY

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+39 0575 815903