
An inspired approach to quality residential and commercial projects

The way we work

We began Bauer with one focus: to build a company that can compete with large construction firms while operating with the flexibility and customer-focus of a small, family-run business. We call it small business values with a big business approach.

Today, 75 percent of our business comes from a core group of legacy clients: a testament to our commitment to building strong, long-term working relationships.

and Engineering

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Energy Distribution
and Grids

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Home Building
and Renovation

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Oil and Gas

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Changing the construction industry

We value respect, trust, transparency and the willingness to innovate. We hire people who share and demonstrate these values, and won’t hire those who don’t.

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We project manage the entire design and construction process

Our start to finish solutions

Preliminary planning, design, and engineering involving scope, and schedule to execute the construction on time and in control.

Give your home the best first impression with a structure that is attractive, efficient, and safe for years to come. Elevate your living space with an exceptional interior that balances beauty, utility, and value.

Being the Pioneer, Building the Future

Knowledgeable professionals

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Pre-Construction and Planning

We perform post-construction


Completed Projects


Qualified Engineers


Work Facilities


Worldwide Branches

Violi Macchine

Violi S.r.l.
Iscr. Reg. Ditte di Arezzo
COD.FISC. e P.IVA IT01625300510
REA n.136050 ISO IT01625300510
Cap. Soc. i.v. € 25.000,00

Protagonista nel settore orafo, industriale e del recupero metalli preziosi da oltre 30 anni, Violi nel corso del tempo ottiene la fiducia di molteplici realtà produttive.
Oggi l’azienda, continuando a promuovere il Made In Italy, è partner di industrie nazionali ed internazionali.

Restiamo in contatto

If you’ve got questions or ideas you would like to share, send a message. For anything more specific, please use one of the addresses listed below.

Violi S.r.l.
Via XXV Aprile, 86
Monte San Savino (AR) ITALY

Trovaci sulla mappa

La nostra e-mail

Info e supporto
+39 0575 810487

+39 0575 815903